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The Trade Show LIGHT gives more!
The Trade Show LIGHT gives more! Experts about Trade Show LIGHT in Warsaw.

The Trade Show LIGHT gives more! Experts about Trade Show LIGHT in Warsaw.



Architect Justyna Smolec – Architektura & Design
“The Trade Show LIGHT in Warsaw is a place where you can learn about the latest lighting solutions, smart solutions & technologies to both private apartments and public buildings, about energy savings, and eco-friendly products & systems. I especially recommend presentations and discussion panels during series of lectures The Competent Designer – a large dose of practical knowledge!”



Interior architect Grzegorz Goworek – Studio Organic
Light often has a crucial influence on the final effect of the arrangement and how we will feel in our home. Therefore, the challenge is to select it properly. We discuss about the role of light and its practical application not only at home, but also in art galleries, hotels, and about the latest lighting technologies at the Trade Show LIGHT. I recommend!


30. International Trade Show LIGHT 2023 in Warsaw, Poland
is the place where your company should be in year 2023.