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ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance took patronage over competitions for young architects and designers
ELCA took patronage over competitions for young architects and designers

ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance took patronage over competitions for young architects and designers: DESIGN FOR A NURSERY SCHOOL and LIGHT FITTING FOR BUSBAR.

ELCA promotes international actions to strengthen lighting clusters excellence, networking and strategic partnerships.

ELCA is a non-profit Association whose main objectives are to strengthen the competitiveness of the European lighting sector in the smart and connected lighting (S&CL), to accelerate growth within the sector, deployment of energy-efficient lighting solutions and to contribute to societal benefits associated to lighting.
ELCA gathers local Lighting Cluster Initiatives in Europe.

ELCA supports its members to liaise with the international key actors and networks and also actively participates in several European cooperation initiatives and projects.
In particular, ELCA promotes international actions to strengthen lighting cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialised eco-systems across Europe.

ELCA fosters the collaboration, networking and learning of cluster organisations and their members towards the professionalization of specialised and customised business support services provided or channelled to SMEs.
ELCA supports its members’ local, regional and national position by adding European perspectives and putting its authority as a pan-European organization.